By default, all heteroatoms are ignored. To read heteroatoms, select the heteroatom checkbox on the webserver or pass the -het flag to the native ProteinVolume executable. Please note that not all heteroatom radii are included in bondi.rad. To expand upon ProteinVolume's heteroatom radius list, please edit bondi.rad.
The list of default heteroatoms and their radii are listed below:
C 1.7
O 1.52
S 1.8
H 1.2
N 1.55
P 1.8
F 1.47
NE 1.54
SI 2.10
LI 1.82
CL 1.75
AR 1.88
NA 2.27
MG 1.73
K 2.75
NI 1.63
CU 1.4
ZN 1.39
GA 1.87
AS 1.85
SE 1.90
BR 1.85
KR 2.02
TE 2.06
I 1.98
XE 2.16
PD 1.63
AG 1.72
CD 1.58
IN 1.93
SN 2.17
PT 1.72
AU 1.66
HG 1.55
TL 1.96
PB 2.02
U 1.86
FE 1.96